This blog is a place for ideas on helping families become prepared for an emergency. The ideas come from many places, so you can use what is best for your situation.

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Rick's Life

Thursday, May 19, 2016

General Family Preparedness

Why Preparedness?

Disasters can affect any part of the United States at any time of the year, swiftly and without warning. Most people don't think of a disaster until it is too late; then they suddenly realize how unprepared they are for the massive changes it makes in their lives. Local officials can be overwhelmed and emergency response personnel may not be able to reach everyone who needs help right away.

Each type of disaster requires clean-up and recovery. The period after a disaster is often very difficult for families, at times as devastating as the disaster itself. Families which are prepared ahead of time can reduce the fear, confusion and losses that come with disaster. They can be ready to evacuate their homes, know what to expect in public shelters and how to provide basic first aid.

Continue reading:  General Family Preparedness

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